“My high school teachers said I would never be successful because I procrastinate,” the Cynic told me.
“I don’t know why they would say that,” I said, knowing that Cy is the world’s worst putter offering.
“I told them, ‘Just wait,'” Cy said.
Cy’s procrastination often serves him well – as he waits to draw trump. In a team match, Cy was declarer with four hearts, and West led the queen of spades. Cy won and didn’t lead a trump: He started a cross ruff: ace of diamonds, diamond ruff, spade ruff, AK of clubs, club ruff, diamond ruff.
EIGHTH trick
East surprised with ten and led another spade, but Cy called for his eighth trick and hit another diamond. East outvoted the queen and took the ace, but Cy still had a trump in each hand. Make four.
In the rematch, South led one trump at trick two, and East won with ten. Later, East was able to exaggerate dummy on a diamond lead and take his trump face, leaving declarer one trick short.
This week: trump management.
You hold: SAH 9 8 7 4 2 DAJ 7 6 3 CA 7. Your partner opens a diamond, you call a heart and he bids two clubs. What are you saying?
ANSWER: Since neither opponent has bid spades, partner may have some; therefore not many hearts. If he has 876,A,KQ1082,KJ64 you have a grand slam. Jump to three diamonds if it’s compelling. If not, or if you are not sure, bid six diamonds. One possible action is a “splint bid” of three spades, showing spade shortness and slam interest.
Southern Dealer
NS vulnerable
S 7 5 2
HKJ 6 5 3
CKJ 5 2
SQJ 9 4 3
H None
DK 10 9 4 2
C 10 8 4
SK 10 8 6
HAQ 10
D 8 5
CQ 9 6 3
H 9 8 7 4 2
DAY 7 6 3
CA 7
Southwest Northeast
1 H 1 S 4 H All Pass
Opening Conduct — SQ
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