Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Tears Down Media’s Efforts to Protect Vice President Kamala Harris’ Image on “The Ingraham angle.”
LAURA INGRAHAM: Every day, Americans suffer from bad economic policies. Every day, companies that have survived are shut down. Students who could have received a solid education, they receive vigilant propaganda instead. Couples who could have married have given up. Young men see that crime pays better than an honest day’s work and our enemies are growing stronger.
Our country is getting weaker and they have a national dance party. For three years, our media threw the equivalent of a protective blanket of sorts around Joe Biden to save him from all these realities, but eventually those realities ended Biden’s career. The media is now trying even harder to protect Harrisbut facts are stubborn things indeed.
Now we don’t need leaders who hide from the truth. We see the truth. We need leaders like Trump and Vance who aren’t afraid to answer tough questions because they actually have answers. So, if Americans want to do it media happy, yes, they will vote for Harris, but if they want to make themselves happy, they should vote for President Trump.