Audacy, WEEI’s parent company, announced that Adam Jones and Rich Keefe would be reuniting in the 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. window.
WEEE, that ratings for daytime programming after slumping despite strong numbers from its morning show, shook up its lineup Wednesday with a series of moves, including the firing of midday hosts Andy Gresh and Christian Fauria.
Audacy, WEEI’s parent company, announced that Adam Jones and Rich Keefe would be reuniting in the 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. window.
Jones had hosted the afternoon show “Jones and Mego” since January 2023. Keefe has been an evening host on WEEI. They previously worked together on the evening “Adam Jones Show” on 98.5 The Sports Hub.
Meghan Ottolini, aka “Mego,” is moving into a full-time writing role at the station and will be a fill-in host.
Jones and Keefe replace Gresh and Fauria, the former Patriots tight end, on the off days.
On the afternoon drive, Andy Hart, who was the writer and host of the “6 Rings” Patriots podcast, will join Christian Arcand, who was the third voice of the “Jones and Mego” show. .
WEEI has not decided who will replace Keefe in the evenings, according to Mike Thomas, Audacy Boston’s senior vice president and chief marketing officer.
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