WORD OF THE DAY — SHAMBLES (SHAMBLES: SHAM-buls: A scene or state of great destruction; wreckage.)
Average grade 44 words
Time limit 60 minutes
Can you find 50 or more words in SHAMBLES? The list will be published on Monday.
YESTERDAY’S WORD — TRAGEDY sen tara tor tor trade tray tread trey rage rate read ready retag aery aged ager arty gate gear grad grade grate grayed great gray gyrate gyre edgy egad dare dart date dear drag drat dray dreg dyer yard yare year
To purchase the word game book, visit WordGameBooks.com. Order it now for just $5 while supplies last!
1. Words must consist of four or more letters.
2. Words that gain four letters by adding “s”, such as “bats” or “dies”, are not allowed.
3. Additional words created by adding a “d” or an “s” may not be used. For example, if “bake” is used, “baked” or “bakes” are not allowed, but “bake” and “baking” are allowed.
4. Proper names, slang words or vulgar or sexually explicit words are not allowed.
Contact Word Game creator Kathleen Saxe at kzsaxe@gmail.com.